Our Board of Directors

Our dedicated Board of Directors volunteer their time, energy, expertise and enthusiasm to guide Victoria Hospital Foundation in advancing healthcare at the Victoria Hospital and in our community.

Bryton Moen Headshot

Bryton Moen, Chair

Committees: Development, Finance, Governance, Investment

Hipolito Albin JR Headshot

Hipolito Albin JR, Vice Chair

Committees: Development (Chair)

Rob Reimer Headshot

Rob Reimer, Secretary

Committees: Governance (Chair)

Aaron Pollock Headshot

Aaron Pollock

Committees: Development, Governance

Adriana Pawlowsky

Adriana Pawlowsky

Committees: Investment, Finance (Chair)

Dana Erickson Headshot

Dana Erickson

Committees: Finance, Governance

Deborah O'Bray Headshot

Deborah O'Bray

Committees: Governance

Glenn Bunston Headshot

Glenn Bunston

Committees: Investment (Chair)

Glen MacAngus Headshot

Glen MacAngus

Committees: Development, Finance

John Ferris Headshot

John Ferris

Committees: Development

Lynda Troup Headshot

Lynda Troup

Committees: Governance

Rob Rabichuck Headshot

Rob Rabichuk

Committees: Finance, Investment

Sheila Wilson-Kowal

Sheila Wilson-Kowal

Committees: Finance

Victoria Munro Headshot

Victoria Bartel

Committees: Development

Jessica Miller, Ex-Officio

CEO, Victoria Hospital Foundation

Ray Sanchez Headshot

Ray Sanchez, Ex-Officio

COO, Victoria Hospital