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Workplace Psychological Health and Safety - A Different Way to Frame Mental Health

Mental health is a critical component of being human intersecting all areas of life. Did you know the average working Canadian spends upwards of 60% of their waking hours on the job? As you might imagine, the quality of the workplace environment has a tremendous impact on all aspects of workers’ health and wellbeing!

Walk with Tracy + Jennie Stople

Living with mental health concerns can involve multiple care providers and a variety of treatment plans. The spaces and places where this care happens must be welcoming to everyone. It needs to be calming, and it needs to promote wellness and positive experiences. Tranquility Trail will be one of those spaces. My mother would have loved it.

Self-Compassion in Caregiving

Caregiving for a relative is often accompanied by unique challenges such as changes in roles, uncertainty, isolation, and grief. With the complex mental, emotional, and physical demands that caregivers manage, it is no surprise that they often experience elevated rates of depression, higher perceived stress, and lower levels of well-being. Common strategies for caregivers to bolster personal well-being include setting boundaries, setting aside personal time, and seeking social support.

Family Caregiver Stress And Tips For Avoiding Burnout

Care giving can be rewarding but also stressful. Meeting the demands and requirements of caring for your loved one may become overwhelming at some times along the journey. Focusing intently on caring for your loved one may result in not caring for yourself resulting in caregiver stress/burnout.

Giving Back Warms The Hearts And Minds Of Our Community

Have you ever heard of the term, “no wrong door”? It refers to the notion that regardless of which door a patient enters into the healthcare system, they will receive access to the appropriate care, where and when they need it. I’m passionate about how people access healthcare and, in particular, mental healthcare in our province and how we can make those pathways to care better – through improved system navigation, collaboration, early intervention, prevention, and timely care.